January 8th, 2024

Work kinda knocked me out today afterwards. More work in maintainence, I got told to actually wipe down all the shelves for every aisle for real today. Just the very front though. There's like 20 aisles, and I only managed to get through two, and I don't work again until Saturday, so like whatever I guess. My manager wasn't in today and the actual maintainence manager didn't know what to do with me anyway.

At the end of the legacy dungeon in Elden Ring, and I honestly think I may just give up fighting Malenia. She's not really too much, it's just really frustrating dying to Waterfoul Dance especially when you try to frostbite her out of it. I just don't wanna deal with that. I think I'm gonna make a backup of my save so I can just try again whenever I want and just go on and finish the game.